Category: Windows

Rebuild IP / Network Stack

In the search box on the taskbar (click Start), type command prompt, right-click the command prompt result and then select Run as administrator and confirm. At the command prompt (decline restarting your machine until you have entered the final command): Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. (this will stall for a moment) Type netsh int […]

Windows Control Applets

Open either an admin cmd window or an admin Powershell windows and run one of the following. Admin Applet Command AD Domains and Trusts domain.msc Active Directory Management admgmt.msc AD Sites and Services dssite.msc AD Users and Computers dsa.msc ADSI Edit adsiedit.msc Authorization manager azman.msc Certification Authority Management certsrv.msc Certificate Templates certtmpl.msc Cluster Administrator cluadmin.exe […]

WSUS Sync Soap Error

Possible Cause This issue occurs if the WSUS servers are configured to use the old synchronization endpoint, This endpoint was fully decommissioned and is no longer reachable after July 8, 2019. Resolution To fix the issue, change the synchronization endpoint in WSUS configuration to To do this, follow these steps on the topmost WSUS server that connects […]

Speed up TFTP on SCCM DP

Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\DP Name: RamDiskTFTPWindowSize Type: REG_DWORD The default value is 1 (1 data block fills the window) I used 8 which gave good speeds. We can also tweak the TFTPBlockSize which has been around for many versions of Configuration Manager. Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\DP Name: RamDiskTFTPBlockSize Type: REG_DWORD Value: <customized block size> Test with values: 4096, 8192, […]